For years since 1967 I see this young officer standing in the door way of his quarter in shock, his left arm was blown away in a mortar attack. Imagine seeing your neighbors bodies scattered just in your neighborhood.They (JW's)do not think.
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
Do they know what 7.5 billion dead bodies look like?
by jambon1 inin their sick and twisted bubble that they live in, the jehovahs witnesses clearly have no idea about the logistical nightmare of disposing of 7.5 billion corpses.. when i heard an elder once say that it will be a joy to clear away the wicked from the earth, he actually had a smile on his face.. can they even begin to imagine what 7.5 billion dead men, women, children & babies looks like?.
"let the eye feel no sorrow".
sick bastards..
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
James Mixon
It was said "Trump is not running to be Pastor-in-Chief"...Jerry Falwell JR,/Ted Cruz
Serious question..Leviticus 20:15 Why slay the beast???
by James Mixon init's not as if the sheep was trying to seduce the shepherd, the poor creature was violated.
we have come a long way from those days, thank goodness.
so why slay the sheep or beast?????
James Mixon
I guess it's not a serious question.. LOL
Serious question..Leviticus 20:15 Why slay the beast???
by James Mixon init's not as if the sheep was trying to seduce the shepherd, the poor creature was violated.
we have come a long way from those days, thank goodness.
so why slay the sheep or beast?????
James Mixon
Yes you do have a point"For that matter'...Kill ,kill,kill.
Serious question..Leviticus 20:15 Why slay the beast???
by James Mixon init's not as if the sheep was trying to seduce the shepherd, the poor creature was violated.
we have come a long way from those days, thank goodness.
so why slay the sheep or beast?????
James Mixon
It's not as if the sheep was trying to seduce the shepherd, the poor creature was violated. We have come a long way from those days, thank goodness. So why slay the sheep or beast??????
Do they know what 7.5 billion dead bodies look like?
by jambon1 inin their sick and twisted bubble that they live in, the jehovahs witnesses clearly have no idea about the logistical nightmare of disposing of 7.5 billion corpses.. when i heard an elder once say that it will be a joy to clear away the wicked from the earth, he actually had a smile on his face.. can they even begin to imagine what 7.5 billion dead men, women, children & babies looks like?.
"let the eye feel no sorrow".
sick bastards..
James Mixon
blondie: "A 20 bedroom mansion", no electricity, no running water, out side toilet,no car parked in the mansion drive way(maybe a mule and cart),no gas for the lawn mower, no toilet paper after they run out of old magazines, in two month they will move in a small cabin in the back yard....Shit said the sister, this is Paradise!!!!! That damn poor sister told me to kiss her rear when I told her to clean my outside toilet.....Can we DF her???????
We must remember there will be some animals also because the dogs in my area are doing a lot of fornicating.
If a JW Came To Your Door How Would You Handle It?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses have never come to my door but they have come to my girlfriends door.
i have coached her as to what to say or ask but it appears that they always seem to come when she's not there.
.....just curious would you get into it with a jehovah's witness at your door especially if it was someone you did not know?.
James Mixon
Right up front I tell them at one time I walked with you. I was a Elder, served where the need is great and a missionary. Guess what, most ask "what happen". You would think they would turn and walk away, but they are curious why I walked and not return after so many years especially since the end is near...I told one elder that came to my door, I read the Bible......
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
by Drifting Away ini would love to know the stats of how many hours were spent, standing by a cart, or sitting at a local town fair with jw table tent set up, compared to the number of bible studies started that led to baptism since the inception of the carts.
anyone have any idea?
if i had to guess i would say thousands of hours pent standing by a cart, and maybe less then 5 that actually got baptized.
James Mixon
Do you think one day, one on one study on the net?????
Do they know what 7.5 billion dead bodies look like?
by jambon1 inin their sick and twisted bubble that they live in, the jehovahs witnesses clearly have no idea about the logistical nightmare of disposing of 7.5 billion corpses.. when i heard an elder once say that it will be a joy to clear away the wicked from the earth, he actually had a smile on his face.. can they even begin to imagine what 7.5 billion dead men, women, children & babies looks like?.
"let the eye feel no sorrow".
sick bastards..
James Mixon
The VA hospital is filled with veterans who are having nightmares, and what are those nightmares?Seeing men,women and children blown to bits.We are talking about trained warriors folks, the damage it afflict on a normal human mind will affect that person for the rest of their life. Day after day seeing destruction, death of friends and family and you think you will come out of this singing kingdom songs and happy..If so you have a mental problem...
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
James Mixon
Scottie Nell Hughes Trump Supporter CNN Commentator, "there's hate in her hearth, she is spreading hate". I don't know who to believe anymore.Trump not spreading hate????Maybe my brain is not fireing on all cylinders but all the hate i have heard comes from Trump.